Year: 2019

How Systems & Processes Make You Money

How Systems & Processes Make You Money

When you have a business owner that’s running around like a chicken with their head cut off, there is no room for strategic growth, which is the biggest cost of having inefficient systems and processes.

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Are You Sure You’ll Remember What To Do At Work?

Are You Sure You’ll Remember What To Do At Work?

Working productively relies on getting all of the information out of people’s memories, stopping them from relying on just what they recall at any given moment and turning that information into valuable workflow systems that maintain efficiency and productivity.

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How Building A Team Brings Out The Best In You

How Building A Team Brings Out The Best In You

Sometimes, building a team is not easy and is not always smooth sailing. Leading real-life humans with real-life challenges can be difficult. So in those times, let this blog be particularly valuable to remind you of all the great benefits that come out of building a team and relying on them to build a business that’s bigger than yourself.

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Get Back To Your Business Values

Get Back To Your Business Values

As the leader of your growing company you are ultimately accountable for everything that happens in and through your business. From finances to branding, sales to site management, even to company culture, the buck stops with you. If you are serious about living up to...

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When Do You Get Paid?

When Do You Get Paid?

The obsession that business owners have with sales often confounds me. Don’t get me wrong, I love a profitable sale as much as the next entrepreneur, and there are few things more euphoric than closing a big deal. But I sit on the operations side of the...

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Golden Triad Of Scaling

Golden Triad Of Scaling

The ability to successfully scale a business is the holy grail of entrepreneurship. Research shows that startups who are willing to redesign the way their core business functions can enjoy massive benefits from scaling even in the early days. Techstart.com tells us...

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How To Start Scaling Your Business

How To Start Scaling Your Business

Scaling your business through to exponential growth relies on streamlining your daily workplace operations. If you are ready to level up in your business, it’s time to step back to get a clear view of exactly what is happening in the current day-to-day. Your...

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Do Your Staff Have You Hostage?

Do Your Staff Have You Hostage?

One of the most common things I hear business owners say about improving their processes and procedures is that they fear the resistance they think will come from their team if they make too many changes. It is not changing itself their teams will resist, but the...

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The Business Process For Your Business Process

The Business Process For Your Business Process

Documenting your core Business Processes has endless benefits, but these are the six headliners: Streamline your workflow by creating procedures that mean you never forget a task, never miss a component of a task, and always minimise the time it takes to switch...

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No Pong Case Story

No Pong Case Story

When we came to Kerry Anne about getting help with our systems management, we had a lot of great processes, but they were all inside our heads instead of written down. This made running and growing our team much more labour intensive than it needed to be. We would...

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