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  1. Operation Verve
  2. Articles
  3. File Management
  4. Why Filing In Business Is More Important Than You Realise

Filing in business is rarely at the top of the list of priorities for business owners, but I think it should be! So today I want to explore why your business filing might be more important than you might think.

Studies show that if you have a disorganised filing system, you will waste time recreating documents, or searching for things that should be easy to find. 49% of workers said they have trouble locating documents regularly, which also means your team can’t find what they need either.

Victoria management for systems & processes

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.” Eleanor Roosevelt

Often business filing is something set aside as an unimportant and uninteresting category in your business. Yet, if you can get your filing system organised well, you’ll enjoy some real benefits. Now is time for the cleanout, to get your online files organised for you and the key members of your team!

Clarity and headspace:

Importantly, doing a great job with filling in business will give you untold clarity and headspace. There are few things more stressful than not being able to find what you need when you need it. Particularly if you’re waiting on the phone, serving a client, or talking with a prospect. If you can’t find what you need it’s horrible, not only for you but for the key members of your team. Give yourself and your team a break Get some clarity and some headspace by organising your files.

Accelerated business success:

With the properly organised business filing, you can enjoy accelerated business success. A clean and clear filing space allows you to access what you need to work on, which helps you maintain your workflow. It allows you to achieve outcomes quickly because you gain momentum. When you get that clarity and headspace, you can think more clearly, and you can work more effectively. This will only allow your business goals to be achieved even faster.

More strategic, creative flow:

Being in this creative flow allows you to think more strategically. When you can’t find what you need in your online files, you’ll find yourself doing only the most urgent job at the moment … often that urgent job becomes finding what you need to keep working. This leaves no time to think strategically. You’ll miss out on business opportunities waiting for you. You could miss chances to explore new markets and expand into new avenues with your business. You can’t plan any of those things if you can’t find your files.

Being able to delegate

Having a good system for filing in business will give you opportunities to delegate. Those smaller tasks occupying so much of your time are washed away when your business filing has everything in the right place. Small tasks become easier and quicker, so people can then help you with the work that needs doing. Go ahead and clean out your filing system so you can get more people coming on deck.

More time on real work:

Also, when you organise your filing system, you’ll have more time for real work. Clearing away the noise so you’ll be able to do what you’ve set your business up to do in the first place. The real work is the work that sets your heart on fire. It makes a difference in the world and it is the reason your business exists.  Relieve yourself of that lower-level work. Then you can get straight into achieving the real outcomes you created your business for in the first place.

Less time in admin 

Finally, when you organise your filing you will spend less of your time in admin. By getting organised beforehand, you won’t have to recreate things. You also won’t lose your files in the first place. But most importantly, you’ll be able to delegate. This allows other people to help you out with administration, which let’s be honest, is the bane of our existence! Then you can finally get back to the real work you thrive on and enjoy your business again.

Kerry Anne Nelson

About Kerry Anne Nelson

Kerry Anne Nelson is the founder of Operation Verve and is a qualified first-class Honours graduate with more than 8 years of experience in education.

Kerry Anne Nelson is a workplace processes architect and uses her Lean Six Sigma training to maximise her years of experience in business management, education, and team leadership to help clients achieve lasting business growth.