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  3. File Management
  4. 4 Ways To Keep Your Business Filing Organised Online

Recently businesses have been flocking to the online space. It is a great time to build your remote team and take advantage of all the wonderful growth opportunities the internet has for us. Working in the cloud has so many advantages. I personally think it’s a great move, as I am a big fan of a paperless business. Especially because studies show that 5% of all paper documents are actually lost … literally never to be seen again!

Learning an effective way to organise online business files will be vital to your long-term success. Keeping your online files organised and updated is something that should be maintained as a routine part of daily business. It’s also the key to creating engagement and efficiency with your remote team.

North melbourne management Workplace

“The primary asset of any business is its organisation” William Feather

So today we will have a look at four tips to keep your business filing organised online.

Have rules for archiving:

You will definitely need to have rules for archiving. When a document becomes old and unused, how do you know where to put it? How do you name it? Having set rules for how to manage your online files when they become old is a really vital part of keeping crystal clear workspaces. You only want your current, relevant files, right there at your fingertips.

Set up procedures for fixing errors:

Another thing is setting up your procedures for fixing errors. Now, your online filing system is never going to be perfect. There will always be documents that need updating or correcting. Setting up a system to do this will ensure your online filing space maintains its integrity. This will improve efficiency and remove errors creeping throughout your remote teams work.

Schedule clean out dates:

It is a good idea to schedule clean out dates. Having such regular sessions for cleaning out files and updating your processes is absolutely essential when organising your online business files. Not only for you, but for the key members of your remote team. Have dates set aside where you all go through together and clean things out. Make it a fun event!

Reward excellent resource management:

Of course, you need to make sure to reward excellent work on resource management. When a member of the team does well, call it out. Show them exactly what you’ve seen and how impressed you are with it. It will motivate people to keep on building out that crystal clear, clean online filing space. It will make a real difference to your team engaging with your business vision each and every day.

I urge you to prioritise the management of your online filing system. By taking the time to organise your online business files, it will create fabulous outcomes in your business. Not only financially, but socially and professionally for the people in your team.

Kerry Anne Nelson

About Kerry Anne Nelson

Kerry Anne Nelson is the founder of Operation Verve and is a qualified first-class Honours graduate with more than 8 years of experience in education.

Kerry Anne Nelson is a workplace processes architect and uses her Lean Six Sigma training to maximise her years of experience in business management, education, and team leadership to help clients achieve lasting business growth.