Keeping your new hires is a priority if you are a business owner expanding your team. A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management states that the average cost to hire an employee is $4,129! On average, it also takes around 42 days to fill a position. This is a lot of time and money invested into hiring a new staff member.
Now imagine going to all of that effort, only to have your new hire bail on their first day.

“A new job is not a new beginning. It’s a path to create a new ending” Mary Emerson
This might sound horrible and bizarre for some, and yet studies show that this happens to one in five employers. They have gone through the recruitment process, they’ve awarded the position to a successful applicant, and then their new startup simply doesn’t show.
This actually happens 22% of the time.
They may well have their reasons. Maybe they are navigating other opportunities, they might still be finishing other interviews when they say yes to your position. Despite this, it is obviously frustrating to an employer. There are ways to alleviate this risk, and also build a positive start for your new potential employees. After all, the first day is a really vulnerable one for your new hires too.
So today let’s look at one of the most important tools you can use: The welcome message. With one well crafted and effective great welcome message, you can put the odds back in your favor to make all of that investment stick. With one little message you can make them excited and eager to start.
Firstly, keeping your new hires relies on you showing love to your new employee. Studies show that 79% of people who quit their positions do so because they don’t feel appreciated. Show them some love even before the first day, in a welcome message that really stands out. Make sure they know how much they matter to you and your company. Then they are going to feel like the work they are about to engage in really counts. A great welcome message sets a fabulously positive tone and makes them more likely to actually show up for work on the first day.
A great welcome message will inspire confidence in your new starter. We all know the week or two leading up to the new job can be quite nerve-wracking. Do you remember the last time you were about to start something new? It can be scary. There’s a fear of the unknown there, but if you’re inspiring confidence with a positive welcome message, you’re replacing those nerves with certainty. Easing the fears of your new starter makes them more positive and excited about coming along, and eases the nerves. Of course, crafting this positive experience is vital to keeping your new hires.
Having a strong welcome message clears up confusion in the mind of your new starter. Everyone will be on the same page if they know when they’re meant to be showing up, and who they’re going to be working with. Also, of course, make sure they are given access to the platforms they’re going to be meeting you on! If you’re not meeting face to face, send them a link to the video conferencing, show them all the details they need to have certainty, and inspire some confidence. A clear and concise welcome message prevents confusion and increases excitement, essential ingredients of keeping your new hires.
A great welcome message will also convey your company culture. Your welcome message should be drenched in culture. If you’ve got a fun, poppy culture, make sure your welcome message feels like that. If your reputation is a lot more steady, calm, and professional, then send that kind of message to your new starter. Every part of the culture of your company can certainly be reflected in your message, and help your new starter to know what they’re really getting into here with your company.
Finally, like I’ve been saying all along, a really effective welcome message will create excitement. There’ll be a sense of anticipation and optimism that is conveyed by your welcome message. A thrill at what the future may hold for your new starter when they come to work for your company. Everyone gets nervous when they start a new job, but they get excited too, so harness that energy. Making sure you create a sense of thrill and positivity around starting work with you is the icing on the cake of your new hire starting with you.
If you’re planning on hiring new staff in the next 6 to 12 months, get those creative juices flowing now. Spend some time, even this week, brainstorming a welcome message to remember. Make your message stand out, and create genuine excitement and optimism about coming to work for you. Get your new hires excited to start, and your company will grow bigger and better for it!