Case Stories

Expolore success stories of buisnesses transformed with our expertise

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  1. Operation Verve
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  3. Working Remotely
  4. Lessons Learned From Hiring Remote Staff

Hiring remote workers to give you the business support you need is an increasingly popular growth strategy. I’m a massive fan of hiring remote staff because I’ve seen from firsthand experience that when you get help you can create lasting sustainable growth.

When I started with my first virtual assistant in 2017, I took a gigantic leap of faith to resolve a conflict that was creating overwhelming stress and anxiety for me in my business. You see, I was running monthly events to grow my network, as well as running my own client work, and my marketing, my emails, my bookkeeping and my general admin. I really was a one man band. I had more work to do than time to do it in. The penny dropped for me on the day I realised that my situation wasn’t going to change unless I changed it.

lessons learned from hiring remote staff

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new” Socrates

It dawned on me that all the hard work I was doing to expand my business reach, grow its impact, and ultimately get more clients was only going to increase over time. I saw that I was never going to enjoy the benefits of my efforts because I was tied to all the low level work of creating that growth.

The more my business grew, the more I would be trapped.

Can you relate to that dilemma? If you can, you’re exactly where I was only a few years ago. That realisation was motivation enough for me to hire my first virtual assistant. I got busy hiring remote workers to grow my business for me. Now I’ve got three assistants and I cannot tell you how liberating these last few years have been.

There’s been a massive shift in how business owners see the use of virtual assistants. They’re seeing so much more value than they ever have before. In fact, throughout these last couple of years, hiring virtual assistants through offshore agencies has increased by a massive 41%, just in 2020 alone.

There is so much joy and reward that comes from hiring remote workers. When you have more workers to help you multiply your business capacity. With more hands on deck, you increase your ability to serve your clients with standout excellence. You position yourself to lead your growing business from the front. You get more work done in less time. Get help to release yourself from the low level work in your business. Free yourself from the trap of trying to keep up with the growth that you’re creating with all of that striving and effort.

Recent data shows that the VA services that are most in demand are social media management, email marketing and project management. I’m sure you can look around the landscape of your business and see just how much time you’re spending doing that kind of work. You will love being able to delegate those kinds of tasks to virtual assistants if you get busy growing your team. Let them help you with those things that do need to be done, but not necessarily by you.

In practical terms, there are three things you need to grow your business. These three things will come if you can improve your delegation skills.

Time to work in your business

When you hire remote workers you don’t stop being the expert in your business. Hiring help only gives you more time to do more of that expert work. As the business owner, you set up shop to lead your client service, and rub shoulders with industry leaders in your field. Make your mark! Expand your influence! Make a difference by setting yourself up to lead from the front.

A clear mind to grow your business

Putting strategic growth plans together relies on you having energy and clarity for the work. You need headspace to map out sophisticated growth plans for your business. You need to be able to think clearly and strategically to gain an edge in your industry. It’s the only way you can increase your market share. Give yourself time to create the strategic, methodical plans you need to move into new stages of growth.

A team to increase your business capacity

You can’t do all the work it will take to grow your business yourself. You need human capacity. The vision and the mission you’ve got for your business cannot be achieved by you working alone as a one man band. That approach leads to exhaustion, burnout and depletion – Not sustainable, exponential growth. Hiring a virtual assistant will allow you to delegate all the work that comes when your business is growing.

Kerry Anne Nelson

About Kerry Anne Nelson

Kerry Anne Nelson is the founder of Operation Verve and is a qualified first-class Honours graduate with more than 8 years of experience in education.

Kerry Anne Nelson is a workplace processes architect and uses her Lean Six Sigma training to maximise her years of experience in business management, education, and team leadership to help clients achieve lasting business growth.