I have had a lot of business owners asking me lately about the best time to access the services we offer here. You might be surprised to know that there are times I turn people away because they are just not ready to make the most of the work we would do together. Here are the five times I have found it most valuable to work with my business-owning clients:
Working Too Long (and Hard)
If you are burning the candle at both ends and know something needs to give sooner rather than later, you should come and see us here. I can almost guarantee that you are at a stage of exhaustion that means you can’t see the wood from the trees. The perspective from an expert outside could be just what the doctor ordered.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
Planning Your Next Hire
If you are looking to put more hands on deck, it is smart to get help with setting things upright. If you want them to hit the ground running, it pays to invest in developing clear expectations around their role, and in mapping out exactly how they will do their work, and how you will keep them on track.
Implementing New Tech
If you are rolling out new software across your business it will make the world of difference if you develop training resources to support that rollout. Off the shelf tutorials online will help get you started, but none of them will be able to train your team in the best way to use that software in your unique business. Create standard operating procedures to leverage the tech upgrade.
Multiplying Outlets
Whether opening a new shop, expanding your online services to new regions, or even preparing your business model for a franchise, you need squeaky clean processes in place. Don’t get caught duplicating a model that doesn’t work. Build a strong foundation for growth by mapping out the best way of delivering your products and services, then setting this best practice in documented stone.
Scheduling A Holiday
I have spoken to far too many business owners who have not had a proper holiday in years because their businesses can’t survive without them. This problem makes your business feel like a noose around your neck, yet it’s so easy to fix. If it’s been way too long between holiday drinks, getting help from an expert will have you on a beach drinking cocktails in no time!