Month: July 2020

How To Correct The Four Types Of Workplace Error

How To Correct The Four Types Of Workplace Error

A checklist is more than a simple efficiency tool, it will actually help bring everyone onto the same page and guarantee that regardless of the differences between people, the performance of all of your team will maintain high standards every single time.

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Creating Processes Built For Change

Creating Processes Built For Change

There is nothing that excites me more than seeing businesses that are robust and resilient tackling change head on with confidence. Focus on what really matters to get through this period of change, and your business will be bigger and better than ever.

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Hearing Silence From Your Customers? Here’s Why.

Hearing Silence From Your Customers? Here’s Why.

Building a good product and marketing it well is the job only half done. Collecting customer feedback is critical to the growth of any business. Providing your customers with the levels of service they expect is important, but the only way to understand what your customers really want is by collecting and analysing their feedback.

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How To Manage Your Creative Team

How To Manage Your Creative Team

s with all of the good things in life, the key is balance. Leadership that manages creative employees well is a leadership that knows where to tweak and alter their expectations, setting clear goals and opening wide open spaces to get there.

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Data Insights: What Businesses Need Now To Return To Normal

Data Insights: What Businesses Need Now To Return To Normal

At the end of the day, you need cash flow, which means you need customers, which means you need to deliver a safe site to trade. So have a look at your operations, and do a bit of housecleaning to make sure that you can enjoy growth and prosperity through this coming season.

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7 Coronavirus Gifts To Take Into The New Financial Year

7 Coronavirus Gifts To Take Into The New Financial Year

In these past six months we have seen massive losses that have been absolutely devastating right across the world. We have all had to dedicate ourselves to overcoming the challenges we’ve been facing in every area of our lives. Governments worldwide have...

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