Admin & People

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Why Annual Reviews Are Not Enough

Why Annual Reviews Are Not Enough

Having more regular reviews is beneficial for your business in so many ways. With so many key aspects of your business able to be improved upon, it makes sense to make team catch-ups part of your routine. So go ahead and set up more regular reviews, so that you can all enjoy the benefits.

Lessons To Learn From High Staff Turnover

Lessons To Learn From High Staff Turnover

So, even though a high staff turnover will probably not be the recommended model for most businesses, there are certainly benefits to it, and lessons that we can learn to make our business just so much stronger and robust and set to grow. People are the core of any business, and with the opportunity to gain great new people your business can only get better!

Hearing Silence From Your Customers? Here’s Why.

Hearing Silence From Your Customers? Here’s Why.

Building a good product and marketing it well is the job only half done. Collecting customer feedback is critical to the growth of any business. Providing your customers with the levels of service they expect is important, but the only way to understand what your customers really want is by collecting and analysing their feedback.

How To Manage Your Creative Team

How To Manage Your Creative Team

s with all of the good things in life, the key is balance. Leadership that manages creative employees well is a leadership that knows where to tweak and alter their expectations, setting clear goals and opening wide open spaces to get there.