Business & Leadership

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5 Tips For Managing Your Managers

5 Tips For Managing Your Managers

As a leader, your job is not about building followers, but building more leaders. Managing your managers is an absolutely crucial part of expanding your capacity for exponential growth. If you’re building a successful thriving business you need to build up leaders to help to support that expansion. Remember, in business your managers are a vital piece of your business success puzzle.

What Is Your Business Really Worth?

What Is Your Business Really Worth?

The better shape your business is in, the more likely you are to sell it quickly for a premium price. Some of the simplest steps you can take are the most effective – build your team, outsource and automate. Take a long, hard look at every aspect of your business and start taking action to maximise its value right away.

7 Essential Systems To Scale Your Business From Home

7 Essential Systems To Scale Your Business From Home

This new season has really put the condition of our business under the microscope. Right now we can probably see the strengths and weaknesses of our business better than ever before. Developing systems to scale can be done from absolutely anywhere. Let’s make sure this time of crisis, challenge and possibly panic is not an excuse to to pull back. Now is the time to advance forward with boldness and determination!

Get Back To Your Business Values

Get Back To Your Business Values

As the leader of your growing company you are ultimately accountable for everything that happens in and through your business. From finances to branding, sales to site management, even to company culture, the buck stops with you. If you are serious about living up to...

When Do You Get Paid?

When Do You Get Paid?

The obsession that business owners have with sales often confounds me. Don’t get me wrong, I love a profitable sale as much as the next entrepreneur, and there are few things more euphoric than closing a big deal. But I sit on the operations side of the...