Good business filing is always important, but this time of year is a good time to have a good old-fashioned cleanout to set yourself up for the year to come. Other than the nice feeling you may get from getting a fresh start, a business can suffer a lot from this kind...
Business filing should be easier than it is, right? What makes it so hard? You’re not the only person who’s struggling with your online filing. It’s a common occurrence throughout businesses, especially when it’s not prioritised. It’s often easier to put aside that...
Managing business files is rarely a laughing matter. But today, we take a light-hearted look at how NOT to organise your business files. If your business files are a mess, chances are your team and its key leaders are really struggling at work. In fact, 49% of workers...
Business Filing… I heard you yawn from here! 😉 It might seem like a bit of a boring topic. But the reality is that a chaotic workplace equals poor business outcomes. Did you know that over the course of our lifetime, we will spend a total of 3680 hours (or 153...
Have you given much thought to why a business needs more than just annual reviews to improve systems and grow its business? I bet you’re thinking: “What’s the problem with annual reviews!” Well, nothing exactly, except that more is better for you and your staff when...
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