Remote team management may seem a little tricky to begin with. Especially with a lot of business owners asking “How do I keep my remote staff working, especially when I’m not there to supervise?” Now this is a big one if you’ve sent your workers home during a...
Effective business processes are key to growing your business. When you get this right, you’ll be able to see it working effectively across the day to day work in your business. Having these key processes documented for easy access is integral to scaling. It allows...
Training your remote team well relies on setting up foolproof systems for teaching them new skills and supporting them in their day to day use of these skills Every team needs instruction, but if you’re managing workers remotely, you need to take extra care with the...
Maintaining training videos is vital if you are building up a bank of instruction videos to train your remote team in everyday processes. I’m a really big fan of creating videos to provide training for remote workers. It’s a really fast, snappy way of conveying...
Using videos for training is an amazing way to communicate with your remote team. They are fast, reliable, fun, and free! There’s no reason you wouldn’t want to jump in and start making videos. It’s the fastest, most effective way of passing on information....
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